New Adventure Operating Manual – 5/1/2011
is either under generator or shore power, the units can be turned on, the mode of operation selected (heat
or cold), and the desired temperature set at these controls. See the Technicold operating manual for
further details. When operating, the heat exchange water pumps will exhaust water from outlets near the
water line and on the outside rear of each hull.
Please check to make sure that water is being
expelled by the heat exchange pumps when first turning them on as occasionally air will get into
the pumps or they can get plugged by seaweed and they will not operate.
When this happens the
unit will either stop and give a failure code on the control panel or it will make a terrible noise
depending on its operating mode.
In either case turn the unit off immediately as continuing to run it
will risk damage to the unit.
To fix this problem either clean the filters if they are clogged or for the
starboard unit the hose from the pump to the compressor heat exchanger must be loosened and lowered
below sea level to remove all air from the pump until the pump is clearly pumping water, then
Hot Water
Water in the hot water tank is only heated if the boat is on shore power or the generator is on, or the
main engines are running. You need only leave the “Water Heater” switch on (located on the 110v AC
panel) and the system will operate automatically.
Stove and Oven
Please refer to the instruction manual for operating the stove.
Make sure the valve at the LP tank located in the forward starboard deck hatch is on.
Turn on the gas circuit breaker on the 12v DC panel.
On the LPG panel to the right of the stove, push the left button until the green light turns on. This
opens a second valve in the gas line near the tank itself if there are no leaks or alarms in the salon. Now
you should have gas pressure to the stove.
To light a burner, turn the control knob counterclockwise a quarter turn and push it in. The
electronic lighter should spark and light the burner. After a few seconds release the knob and let it out.
The burner incorporates a heat sensitive auto shut-off mechanism that has to heat up or it will turn off
the flow of gas in the burner. Adjust the flame by turning the knob.
The same procedure is used to light the oven.
After using the stove, push the left green button on the LPG panel to turn off the propane and
avoid any inadvertent gas leakage.
There is a spare propane tank located near the main propane tank in the forward starboard deck
The electronic lighting system is powered by an AA battery located under the stove on the right
hand side.