Press any of the five input selection buttons to select the desired input. Tape input
selection will monitor the output from a cassette deck. Press PHONO to select the high
gain phono preamplifier.
Volume is controlled by pressing the left side of the display glass for down, the right side
for up. Each step is 1dB.
Balance is adjusted only by the remote control, by the left and right arrow buttons. It is
not adjustable from the front panel. When the unit is adjusted to be out of balance, two
volume numbers will display. The left indicates the left channel volume number, the
right indicates the right channel volume number. When both channels are set to the same
number, the display will change to only show one number.
Pressing the mute button will alternately mute or unmute the unit. When the mute light is
illuminated, the Janus is muted. When muted, the volume is internally set to zero and the
output is shorted to ground.
Bypass is used to set the unit to unity gain (meaning it does not provide any gain or loss).
This is used when a home theater processor is connected to the Janus, and system control
is delegated entirely to the processor. Extreme caution is necessary, as setting the Janus
to unity gain will, in most system, allow the full input level to reach the power amplifier.
This can damage speakers.
One or more inputs may be configured for bypass. Once configured for bypass, that
input will automatically go into bypass mode every time it is selected. Once in bypass
mode, there is no volume display or function and mute is non-functional.