Set Time Using Your Smart Phone:
After you finish setting up the camera and you can see live video through your smart phone, You
can set the time by clicking “Device Set/Device Manage”
“Time Zone”
“Time Set”
slide “Network time synchronization” off
press “Timeset”
It should set to the current time
on your phone automatically. You can change it by scrolling up or down if you need. Click
During the setup process you may need to log out of NVSIP and log back if the camera
doesn’t appear in “My Devices” after setup or resolve the “Connection Failed” message.
Camera not responding to sound wave configuration:
Be sure to press and hold down the reset button until you hear “Waiting for
Configuration” immediately before doing sound wave configuration.
NVSIP App not allowing you to open “Device Set/Device Manage”:
You will need to “Register” before using this feature.
Camera keeps saying “Configuration Failed” during set up:
Make sure you select the correct Wi-Fi network and type your correct Wi-Fi
password exactly as it is programmed in your wireless router. Also make sure
You are within 50 feet from your wireless router. The closer you are the better.
I can’t hear the audio:
Tap the live video screen until your see a banner on the top and bottom of the live
video screen. Press the microphone icon with a slash through it (Muted). Wait a few
seconds and you’ll hear the live audio. Also turn your volume all the way up.
After “Successful Configuration” my camera is not connecting:
, Log out of NVSIP, connect to your Wi-Fi network and re-open NVSIP.
, Try moving your camera closer to your wireless router.
, Press and hold the Reset Button for 10 seconds and try the setup again.
The video feed is slow and choppy:
Connect to a Wi-Fi network, Try again. You can view this camera on 3G/4G but
depending on your data coverage is may be slow or may not connect at all.
For a video tutorial on this product,
search “AES SPY CAMERAS” on Youtube.
If you are still having a problem setting up your camera call our technician support
Day #: 770-638-8888 / Night #: 770-235-1191 / Text #: 770-235-1191