ConnexLink User’s Manual
ConnexLink User’s Manual
ConnexLink User’s Manual
ConnexLink User’s Manual
Packet Length
Packet Length
Packet Length
Packet Length: Defines the fixed length or size of data packet to be transmitted. Any
packets larger than the Packet Length will be parsed and sent consecutively by a
ConnexLink. For example, if the Packet Length is 128 bytes and the Host sends 150
bytes, a ConnexLink will send 128 bytes and then 22 bytes after the Interface Timeout
expires. Any packets smaller than the Packet Length will be transmitted once the
Interface Timeout has expired.
The Host can send variable-sized data packets, all of which are equal to or smaller than
the Packet Length. A ConnexLink will wait until the Interface Timeout expires or until the
Packet Length size is reached. Therefore, if multiple packets and/or portions of packets
are sent before the Interface Timeout expires, the receiving ConnexLink Host must be
able to process the multiple packets and/or portions of packets.
Packets will be transmitted over the RF interface when one of the following conditions
occurs: 1) The number of data bytes received over the serial interface is equal to the
Packet Length or; 2) A byte gap larger than the Interface Timeout occurs. The maximum
packet size is 07FFh or 2KB. This can be set to 00h, 40h, 80h, or C0h designating 4ms,
40ms, 300ms, and 2.6s timeouts, respectively.
Interface Timeout
Interface Timeout
Interface Timeout
Interface Timeout: This parameter specifies the amount of time between bytes that a
ConnexLink will wait before transmitting the data packet.
System Identification
System Identification
System Identification
System Identification: A sequence of eight numbers that provide added security to each
independent network of ConnexLink units. The System ID is used in conjunction with the
Channel Number and serves as a password to maintain secure transfers of data. The
combination of the Channel Number and System ID must be unique to each network of
ConnexLinks to establish communication. Here are some examples:
Network A: Channel Number – 13, System ID – 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008
Network B: Channel Number – 25, System ID – 012 023 034 045 056 067 078 089
Multiple Servers in the same coverage area must be programmed with different Channel
Numbers to prevent inoperability of the networks. The System ID will not prevent
inoperability that occurs from locating multiple Servers with the same Channel Number in
the same coverage area. The valid range of values for each of the eight numbers is 0 to
Important Note
Important Note
Important Note
Important Note: For a network of ConnexLink units to communicate with each
: For a network of ConnexLink units to communicate with each
: For a network of ConnexLink units to communicate with each
: For a network of ConnexLink units to communicate with each
other, all ConnexLink units
other, all ConnexLink units
other, all ConnexLink units
other, all ConnexLink units must
must have identical Channel Numbers and System
have identical Channel Numbers and System
have identical Channel Numbers and System
have identical Channel Numbers and System
IDs. If additional networks are created, each network must use different Channel
IDs. If additional networks are created, each network must use different Channel
IDs. If additional networks are created, each network must use different Channel
IDs. If additional networks are created, each network must use different Channel
Numbers and System IDs so that existing networks are not interfered with.
Numbers and System IDs so that existing networks are not interfered with.
Numbers and System IDs so that existing networks are not interfered with.
Numbers and System IDs so that existing networks are not interfered with.
API Mode
API Mode
API Mode
API Mode: Allows the Server Host to address specific Clients via AeroComm’s API
Command Set. The commands include the MAC address of the specific Client. See
Section 2 for the API Command Set.
Transparent Mode
Transparent Mode
Transparent Mode
Transparent Mode: Configures both Client and Server to transmit and serial data sent by
the Host.
Mix Mode
Mix Mode
Mix Mode
Mix Mode: Allows a Client to transmit its MAC address to a Server in API Mode.
Parity: Enables the ConnexLink to transmit and even or odd parity bit. All ConnexLinks
in the network must have Parity enabled for accurate communication. The Link LED will
be deactivated when Parity is enabled.
RTS: Enables the Request to Send control line.