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READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE To avoid injury: all operators should be instructed in
the safe, proper use and maintenance of this product.
To avoid injury, always install secondary support [Safety Cable or Chain].
Do not install secondary support [Safety Chain or Cable] to same structure that supports
the retractor.
Secondary Support [Safety Cable with Adjustable Wire Clips]
Available from manufacturer as an accessory.
Please follow all instructions provided in the Safety Cable Assembly
Leaflet [S65-SSPBR]
to properly attach the Safety Cable to the Unit.
Leaflet [S65-SSPBR]
is included with the Safety Cable.
Attach other end of the secondary support [Safety Cable] to
secondary support structure by means of Carabineer Hook and lock in
place the carabineer nut
– See
FIG. 03
Secondary support [Safety Cable] should be as short as possible but
still allowing Unit Rotation without engaging or adding any load on the
Safety Cable. The maximum length for the Safety Cable should allow
the retractor to drop no more than
6” to 10” or 152mm to 254mm, if
main support would fail.
READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE To avoid injury: all operators should be instructed in
the safe, proper use and maintenance of this product.
Adjusting cable stop is not recommended due to reduction in
active travel distance.
Detailed procedure on how to adjust the cable stop can be
obtained by contacting
If additional cable extension is required, extension cable
assemblies are offered as accessory items.
Special cables can be offered with specific overhang or unique
adjustments. Contact
technical support
for more details.
Always measure weight of total LOAD tool complete
with hoses, cables and fittings] to make sure it is within
Weight Capacity of Retractor printed on unit label.
Lift LOAD [See - Fig. 04] to retractor and attach it to
provided tool clip, making sure the spring-loaded latch of
tool clip is fully closed.
Extension cables are available for lowering the position of
the tool without reducing active travel.
FIG. 03
FIG. 04
FIG. 05