DC/AC MicroProbe Models K100 and K110
Model K100 and Model K110 are low current measurement instruments
that feature a compact, high sensitivity current probe. Unlike other instru-
ments, the Model K100 exhibits a wide dynamic operating range, which
extends from below 100µA to ± 4.5A peak, from DC to 2.0kHz*, without the
need for ranging. The K110 has an operating range of 100µA to ± 450mA
Peak, from DC to 1500Hz.*
Models K100 and K110 are designed to be operated in conjunction with a
digital multimeter, oscilloscope or recording device. The MicroProbe out-
puts the current measured in the form of a voltage that is the image of the
current, in shape and amplitude. The Model K100 outputs 1mV per mA of
measured current. The Model K110 outputs 10mV per mA of measured
current. To take advantage of the Model K100 high sensitivity, best results
are obtained through 4-1/2 digit (or more) DMM with a relative zero func-
tion. The Model K110 was designed to provide the operator with enhanced
low current linearity and accuracy, but is limited to 450mA Peak current.
The Model K100/K110 always outputs a signal proportional to the total
current (AC+DC) in the conductor under test. This has proven to be the
most versatile signal output format, and allows the user to isolate and
measure DC and AC components of measured current separately, if so
desired. Typical applications include 4 to 20mA loop measurements, auto-
motive current applications, benchtop electronic current consumption in
circuits, and other applications requiring very low current measurements
in crowded areas.
* See Electrical Specifications