Quick Tester Model 8505
the Model 8505 to test an incoming shipment of transformers from the
manufacturer to determine whether or not to accept the shipment or
send it back due to damage. The Model 8505 can similarly test phase
compensation capacitors for basic operation.
The Model 8505 comes with a probe, two alligator clips, and a carrying
pouch (see the illustration on the previous page). The probe and the
alligator clip are threaded and must be screwed on to the cable.
The Quick Tester Model 8505 is a companion product to AEMC’s DTR
Model 8510 transformer tester. The Model 8505 differs from the Model
8510 in that the Model 8510 provides more detailed information about
the unit under test, but requires more time to set up and obtain results.
For example, the Model 8505 can determine whether or not to accept or
reject the incoming transformer; the Model 8510 is then used when the
transformer is subsequently set up and installed for operation.