Inserting or removing earplugs too quickly may result
in air pressure or suction against the eardrum causing
temporary pain. Earplugs should be inserted or removed
slowly with a twisting motion to prevent excess pressure
buildup. Gently moving the earplug while opening
the jaw fully may remove excess pressure buildup.
Prolonged use of earplugs (exceeding several hours)
may result in temporary soreness near the ear canal. Use
of custom earplugs may reduce the risk of this irritation
when compared to expandable foam type plugs. The
use of earplugs may require a “break-in” period to
accustom the ear canal to the presence of the earplug.
In order to ensure maximum performance, your ear
canal should be clean and free of excess ear wax and
debris before inserting ear plugs. Long term usage of
earplugs could result in the buildup of ear wax within
the ear. In the event that ear wax or debris becomes
impacted in your ear canal, seek medical consultation.
When not in use, store earplugs in earcups. Surfaces that
have been dyed should be avoided to prevent the possibility
of having the dye transfer onto your earplugs. Plug surfaces
should remain clean and free of other contaminates that
could cause irritation of the ear canal such as sand and grit.
Custom earplugs should be cleaned periodically with
warm, soapy water to prevent buildup of dirt and bacteria.
Ear inflammation, otitis externa, or infection could result
from the use of dirty earplugs. In the event of pain or
discharge from the ear canal, seek medical consultation.
Aegisound custom fit earplugs are made from an
immunologically inert material and allergic reactions
would be rare. In the event an allergic reaction is
suspected, discontinue use and seek medical consultation.
Do NOT hang or swing headset by earplugs or cables.