Start using the appliance
Quick start
Turn on the ap‐
pliance and start
cooking with the
default tempera‐
ture and time of
the function.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Press and hold:
- press
the appliance
function and
then press the
Quick Off
Turn off the ap‐
pliance at any
time, any screen
or message.
- press and hold until the appliance turns off.
MW quick start
Start Microwave
at any time with
default settings:
30 sec / 1000W.
Start cooking
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
- press to turn on
the appliance.
- select the heating
function and press
the knob.
- turn the knob to
set the tempera‐
ture and press.
- press to start cooking.
Get to know how to cook quickly
Use the automatic programmes to prepare a dish quickly with the default settings:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Press: .
Select: Menu.
Press the knob.
Select: Assisted
Cooking . Press
the knob.
Choose the
food category.
Choose the dish
and press the