AEG 34602G Скачать руководство пользователя страница 25



When the hob has been fully installed it will be necessary to check the minimum flame setting. To

do this, follow the procedure below.

1) Turn the gas tap to the MAX position and ignite.
2) Set the gas tap to the MIN flame position then turn the control knob from MIN to MAX

several times. If the flame is unstable or is extinguished follow the procedure below.


1) Re-ignite the burner and set to MIN.
2) Remove the control knob.
3) To adjust, use a thin bladed

screwdriver and turn the adjustment

screw until the flame is steady and

does not extinguish, when the knob

is turned from MIN to MAX. Repeat

this procedure for all burners.

Pressure Testing

1) Remove left hand pan support and front left burner cap and crown.
2) Fit manometer tube over the injector.
3) Turn on the burner gas supply and ignite another burner supply.

The pressure reading should be nominally 20mbar and must be between 17 mbar

and 25mbar.

4) Turn off the burner supplies.
















Minimum adjustment screw

Содержание 34602G

Страница 1: ...34602G Gas hob Operating Instructions GB ...

Страница 2: ...2 ...

Страница 3: ...nuse Childrenshouldbekeptawayuntilithascooled z Childrencanalsoinjurethemselvesbypullingpansorpotsoffthehob During Use z This hob is intended for domestic cooking only It is not designed for commercial or industrialpurposes z Thisapplianceisnotconnectedtoacombustionproductsevacuationdevice Itmust beinstalledandconnectedinaccordancewithcurrentinstallationregulations Particular attentionshallbegiven...

Страница 4: ...singofanoldappliance makeitunusable bycuttingoffthecable z Thesymbol ontheproductoronitspackagingindicatesthatthisproductmay notbetreatedashouseholdwaste Insteaditshallbehandedovertotheapplicable collectionpointfortherecyclingofelectricalandelectronicequipment Byensuring this product is disposed of correctly you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health...

Страница 5: ...tsandTips EnvironmentalInformation Contents Instructions for the User Important Safety Information 3 Guide to Use the instructions 5 Description of the Hob 6 Operation 7 Maintenance and Cleaning 8 Something Not Working 9 Service and Spare Parts 10 Customer Care 11 Guarantee Conditions 12 Instructions for the Installer Important safety requirements 14 Installation 15 Building In 17 Electrical conne...

Страница 6: ...Hob INSTALLATION Any gas installation must be carried out by a registered CORGI installer and in accordance with existing rules and regulations Therelevantinstructionsaretobefoundinthesecondsectionofthismanual Please ensurethat oncethehobisinstalled itiseasilyaccessiblefortheengineerinthe eventofabreakdown WHEN THE HOB IS FIRST INSTALLED Oncethehobhasbeeninstalled itisimportanttoremoveanyprotectiv...

Страница 7: ...ttingthesizeoftheburnerused seetable Burner minimum maximum diameter diameter Large rapid 180 mm 260 mm Medium semi rapid 120 mm 220 mm Small Auxiliary 80 mm 160 mm Operation Assoonasaliquidstartsboiling turndowntheflame sothatitwillbarelykeeptheliquidsimmering If you use a saucepan which is smaller than the recommended size the flame will spread beyond the bottom of the vessel causing the handle ...

Страница 8: removers Should the hob top become heavily soiled it is recommended that a cleaning product such as Hob Brite or Bar Keepers Friend is used Pan Supports Thepansupportsaredishwasherproof Ifwashingthembyhand takecarewhendrying themastheenamellingprocessoccasionallyleavesroughedges Ifnecessary remove stubbornstainsusingapastecleaner The Burners The burner caps and crowns can be removed for cleanin...

Страница 9: ...urner cap and crown have beenreplacedcorrectly e g after cleaning Checkthemainjetisnotblockedandthe burnercrownisclearoffoodparticles Check the burner cap and crown have beenreplacedcorrectly e g after cleaning Ifafterallthesechecks yourhobstilldoesnotoperatecorrectly contactyourlocalService ForceCentre Please note that it will be necessary to provide proof of purchase for any in guarantee service...

Страница 10: ...ode 2 Yourtelephonenumber 3 Clearandconcisedetailsofthefault 4 Themodelandtheserialnumber seeratinglabelonthebackofthisinstructionbooklet 5 Dateofpurchase If you require spare parts or an engineer contact your local Service Force Centre by telephoning 0870 5 929 929 Your call will be routed to the your local Service Force Centre ...

Страница 11: ...uxapplianceandforfurtherinformation onAEG Electroluxproducts contactourCustomerCareDepartmentbyletterortelephone asfollows CustomerCareDepartment AEG Electrolux DomesticAppliances 55 77HighStreet Slough Berkshire SL11DZ Tel 08705350350 Customer Care ...

Страница 12: ...pairscarriedoutunderguaranteedonotextendtheguaranteeperiodfortheappliance Partsremoved duringguaranteerepairsbecomepropertyof AEG Electrolux 6 Thepurchaser sstatutoryrightsarenotaffectedbythisguarantee European Guarantee If you should move to another country within Europe then your guarantee moves with you to your new home subjecttothefollowingqualifications Theguaranteestartsfromthedateyoufirstpu...

Страница 13: ...FLOW RATE m3 h 0 286 0 057 0 190 0 038 0 095 0 028 NOZZLE REFERENCE 119 Adjust 96 Adjust 70 Adjust 1 100 mm NOMINAL THERMAL POWER kW 2 8 0 65 2 0 0 45 1 0 0 33 NOMINAL FLOW RATE g h 202 43 5 144 29 72 21 5 NOZZLE REFERENCE 86 40 71 32 50 28 1 100 mm NATURAL GAS 20 mbar VALUE 37 78 MJ m3 Ws 50 7 MJ m3 TYPEOFGAS LPG GAS 28 30 37 mbar VALUE 49 92 MJ Kg Heat Input RearLeftBurner 2 0 kW 6824 BTU HR sem...

Страница 14: ...tlytotheoutsidenoairventisrequired even if the volume is between 5 m3 and 11 m3 If there are other fuel burning appliances in the same room B S 5440 Part 2 Current Edition shouldbeconsultedtodeterminetherequisiteairventrequirements Location The hob may be located in a kitchen a kitchen diner or bed sitting room but not in a bathroom or shower room Beforemakingthecutoutintheworktopensurethatthereis...

Страница 15: ...EN FITTING THE GAS HOB WITH A COOKER HOOD ABOVE FO 0813 FO 0812 Installation Important This hob must be installed by qualified personnel to the relevant British Standards Any gas installation must be carried out by a CORGI registered installer The manufacturer will not accept liability should the above instructions or any of the other safety instructions incorporated in this book be ignored 700mm ...

Страница 16: ...y with the shoulder on the end of the thread fitted to the hob connecting pipe Failure to ensure the correct assembly will cause leakage of gas Gas Connection Connection to the gas supply should be with either rigid or semi rigid pipe i e steel or copper TheconnectionshouldbesuitableforconnectingtoRC1 2 1 2BSPmalethread When the final connection has been made it is essential that a thorough leak t...

Страница 17: ...r a cupboard or drawer If the hob is to be installed above a cupboard or drawer it will be necessary to fit a heat resistantboardbelowthebaseofthehobontheundersideoftheworksurface It is also recommended to carry out the electrical connection to the hob as shown in diagrams 1 and 2 See next page ...

Страница 18: ...efurnitureunit inordertoavoid anycontactwiththebottomofthehobwhich can be heated when it is operated The recommendedsolutionisshownindiagram 3 Thepanelfittedunderthehob a should be easily removable to allow easy access iftechnicalassistanceisneeded Thespace behind the kitchen unit b can be used forconnections 30 20 min 60 a b FO 1013 3 Dimensions are given in mm ...

Страница 19: ...ogapsareleftinthissealin order to prevent spillage near the hob seepingintothecabinetbelow 1 Place the sealing gasket all around the edgeofthecutout 2 Placethehobintothecutoutandsecureit by means of the relevant fixing clamps and screws as shown in the diagram 3 Remove the excess seal The edge of the hob forms a double seal whichpreventstheingressofliquids FO 0199 Seal ...

Страница 20: ...d BS1362 fusemustbe used Should the plug need to be replaced for any reason the wires in the mains lead are colouredinaccordancewiththefollowingcode GreenandYellow Earth Blue Neutral Brown Live 1 Connect the green and yellow earth wire to the terminal in the plug which is marked withtheletter E ortheearthsymbol or colouredgreenandyellow 2 Connecttheblue neutral wiretotheterminal intheplugwhichisma...

Страница 21: ...t Ensurethatthehobsupplycorddoesnotcomeintocontactwithsurfaceswithtemperatures higherthan50deg C Wiring diagram 1 TAPS IGNITOR SWITCHES 2 IGNITOR UNIT 1 2 L N 0 220 240 1 2 3 4 Replacement of the cable Theconnectionofthevoltagecabletotheappliance sterminalblockisoftype Y This meansthatitsreplacementrequiresthespecificequipmentofatechnician Inthiscase onlycabletypesH05RR F H05V2V2 F T90 orH05BB Fmu...

Страница 22: ...ity supply should now be satisfactory Carry out D Resistance to Earth check Inlet wiring faulty Rectify any fault Isolateapplianceand carry out B Insulation check Rectify any fault includingreplacing fuses as necessary NO YES SOCKET face view PLUG with cover removed Earth Wire Green Yellow Neutral Wire Blue FUSE E N L Brown Blue Green Yellow Green Yellow Brown Blue NO YES ...

Страница 23: ...Ω Ohms x 1 scale TestleadsfromLtoNinapplianceterminalblock Ifmeterreads 0 thenthereisa shortcircuit b meter set on Ω Ohm x 100 scale RepeattestwithleadsfromLtoE Ifmeterreadslessthan infinity thereisafault NOTE Shoulditbefoundthatthefusehasfailedbutnofaultisindicated adetailedcontinuity check i e by disconnecting and checking each component is required to trace the faulty component Itispossiblethat...

Страница 24: ...Check by pass simmer adjusted Light burner manually Check continuity from N on the mains connector block and O on theignitorunit Check continuity from L on the mains connector block and the taps ignition switches Check continuity from ignition switches connector to ignitor unit Check continuity from the tip of each electrode to the terminals 1 to 4 on the ignitor unit Check for breaks in the insul...

Страница 25: ...gnitetheburnerandsettoMIN 2 Removethecontrolknob 3 To adjust use a thin bladed screwdriverandturntheadjustment screw until the flame is steady and doesnotextinguish whentheknob isturnedfromMINtoMAX Repeat thisprocedureforallburners Pressure Testing 1 Removelefthandpansupportandfrontleftburnercapandcrown 2 Fitmanometertubeovertheinjector 3 Turnontheburnergassupplyandigniteanotherburnersupply The pr...

Страница 26: ...ition 2 Isolatethehobfromtheelectricitysupply 3 Remove all pan supports burner caps rings crowns and control knobs 4 Withtheaidofa7mmboxspannertheburnerinjectorscanthenbeunscrewedand replacedbytheappropriateLPGinjectors To adjust the gas rate Withtheaidofathinbladedscrewdrivercompletelytightendownthebypassadjustment screw Uponcompletionstickthereplacementratingplateontheundersideofthehob IMPORTANT...

Страница 27: ...27 ...

Страница 28: ...for kitchen cleaning and outdoor use More than 55 million Electrolux Group products such as refrigerators cookers washing machines vacuum cleaners chain saws and lawn mowers are sold each year to a value of approx USD 14 billion in more than 150 countries around the world AEGHaugeräteGmbH Postfach1036 D 90327 Nürnberg http www aeg hausgeraete de Copyright byAEG ...
