Advent Communications
209298 - DVE5000 Technical Operation Handbook - CL140042
Page 37 of 110
By using the up / down arrow keys, highlight
and press ENTER key.
This screen will be displayed: -
Bps: PID:
- VBI / Data -
VBI Compression:
Data Pipe:
: Choices are ON or OFF; Use up / down arrow keys to select, press ENTER to confirm or
ESCAPE to cancel selection.
This enables the passing of VBI data.
VBI Compression
: This setting determines the amount of compression applied to the VBI data;
the higher the value the more the compression and lower bandwidth, but recovery of the data at
the receive IRD may be corrupted. Select a value where the data is passed correctly without
consuming video bandwidth.
Data Pipe
: Choices are OFF, Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3;
Mode 1 is compatible mode with other manufacturers eg Tandberg.
Mode 2 is proprietary with Advent IRD.
Mode 3 is proprietary low delay with Advent IRD (contact factory for availability)
Use up / down arrow keys to select, press ENTER to confirm or ESCAPE to cancel selection.
Note: Data is only transferred across the MPEG stream when there is data coming in
: Choices of data rate (baud) are, 1200,2400,4800,9600,19200 or 38400; Use up / down
arrow keys to select, press ENTER to confirm or ESCAPE to cancel selection.
: for the MPEG RS232 data port, set in the range 32 - 8190; Use up / down arrow keys to
select, press ENTER to confirm or ESCAPE to cancel selection.
PRESS ESCAPE to return up a menu level.