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4    Startup Manual


Analog Input Connections

Single-ended Channel Connections

The single-ended input configuration has only one sig-
nal wire for each channel, and the measured voltage 
(Vm) is the voltage of the wire as referenced against the 
common ground. 

Figure 1: Single-ended Channel Connections

Differential Channel Connections

The differential input channels operate with two signal 
wires for each channel, and the voltage difference 
between both signal wires is measured. On PCI-1742U, 
when all channels are configured to differential input, 
up to 8 analog channels are available.

Figure 2: Differential Connection - Ground Signalt

Figure 3: Differential Connection - Floating Signal

Analog Output Connections

The PCI-1742U provides two D/A output channels, 




. You may use the PCI-1742U internally-

provided precision -5V (-10V) reference to generate 0 
to +5 V (+10 V) D/A output range. You may also create 
a D/A output range through the external reference, 


. The external reference input range is +/-10 

V. For example, connecting with an external reference 
of -7 V will generate 0 ~ +7 V D/A output.

Figure 4: Analog Output Connections

Trigger Source Connections

Internal Pacer Trigger Connection

PCI-1742U includes one 82C54 compatible program-
mable Timer/Counter chip which provides three 16-bit 
counters connected to a 10 MHz clock, each designated 
specifically as Counter 0, Counter 1 and Counter 2. 
Counter 0 is a counter which counts events from an 
input channel or outputting pulse. Counter 1 and 
Counter 2 are cascaded to create a 32-bit timer for pacer 
triggering. A low-to-high edge from the Counter 2 out-
put (


) will trigger an A/D conversion on 

the PCI-1742U. At the same time, you can also use this 
signal as a synchronous signal for other applications.

External Trigger Source Connection

In addition to pacer triggering, the PCI-1742U also 
allows external triggering for A/D conversions. A low-
to-high edge coming from 


 will trigger an 

A/D conversion on the PCI-1742U. When 



connected to 


, the external trigger function 

is thereby disabled.



