4.2 Signal connections
4.2.1 Pin Assignment
The following tables and figures show the pin assignments of CN1 connector on the bracket to the modular card.
If you see two ports or above, it will use the same pin definition of this one.
Table 4.3: MOS-1110Y-0101E Pin Definition on iDoor Bracket
Isolated Digital Input
Each of the 16 isolated digital input channels accept voltages from 0 to 30 V. Every eight input channels share one
external common. (Channels 0 ~ 7 use ECOM0. Channels 8 ~ 15 use ECOM1.) The following figure shows how to
connect an external input source to the card's isolated inputs.
Figure 4.2 Isolated DI Connection
Isolated Digital Output
If the external voltage source (5~40 V) is connected to each isolated output channel (IDO) and its isolated digital
output turns on (200 mA max./ch), the card's current will sink from the external voltage source. DB37 provides one
EGND pin for IDO connections.
The following figure shows how to connect an external output load to the card's isolated outputs.
MOS-1110Y-0101E User Manual 5