Chapter 3
Instrument operation
Single-Sample Micro-Osmometer User Guide
Holding the sampler by the barrel, carefully insert the
tip into the sample port; then rest the sampler body
in the operating cradle (Figure 18).
Figure 18: Insert sampler into port and cradle
Grasp the operating cradle and push it slowly
forward until you feel a positive stop. The test starts
when the cradle reaches the forward position
(Figure 19).
When the test begins, the progress bar on the screen
begins to fill. The status bar at the top of the display
is yellow, and the status is TESTING.
Figure 19: Operating cradle in testing position
Wait while the Osmo1 performs the test.
The Osmo1 first cools the sample. After a moment,
you will hear the solenoid impact several times
during the last stages of testing. This is normal
When the test completes, the resulting osmolality
displays in the middle of the screen. The software
provides the instruction to remove the sampler and
clean the chamber (Figure 20).
Test results are stored in the Results database.
If you want to cancel a test, you can withdraw
the sample operating cradle at any time. If an
error occurs during a test, you will hear a
beep, and a message displays on the screen.
Figure 20: Testing complete with result (and error message in red)
Withdraw the operating cradle and remove the
sampler from the cradle.
Grasp the sampler tip and depress the plunger to
help remove it. Discard the sampler tip.
Wipe the plunger tip with a soft, non-lint, non-ionic
paper, being careful not to dislodge the Teflon® tip.