Click ‘Private Interface’.
Set ‘Address Type’ to ‘Static’.
Enter the appropriate ‘IP Address’ and ‘Subnet Mask’.
This IP Address will be the Default Gateway for all hosts on your Private Network.
Click ‘Apply’.
Configuring the Firewall and NAT
Note: running the ‘Firewall Wizard’ completely erases all prior Firewall and NAT
settings. Fore more information about ‘Port Forwarding’ please consult the guide titled
“Configuring Port Forwarding in AOS”.
Click ‘Firewall Wizard’. This wizard will establish all firewall and NAT settings
required to access the Internet from your Private LAN via the NetVanta 2054.
Read the ‘Welcome’ Message and click ‘Next’.
Select the ‘Public Interface’ and click ‘Next’.
Select ‘No, I do not …’ and click ‘Next’. For more information about Port
Forwarding, consult the guide “Configuring Port Forwarding in AOS”.
Review the ‘Confirm Settings’ page, and click ‘Finish’.
Saving the Configuration:
It is important that you save your configuration!
16) After you have completed configuring your AOS
router, click the ‘Save’ button in the top right corner.
17) You should also consider downloading the
configuration to your desktop. This ensures that you will
always have a backup copy of the configuration for your router.
18) Click ‘Configuration’ in the left hand menu.
19) Click ‘Download Configuration’. Save this file on
your computer, and create backup copies. You can use
this file to restore your router to its current settings.