Step 5
Windows will now inform you it is ready to
install your new driver. Verify that the path
is the same as the picture to the left. It
should read “C:\WINDOWS\INF\1394.INF”
-Now click the “Next” button.
Step 6
Sometimes Windows cannot initially see
your CD-ROM drive. If you DO NOT get the
message shown to the left, then you may
skip to step 8. If you DO get the message,
then click the “OK” button and proceed
to the next step.
Step 7
You will now need to tell Windows the
correct path for the drivers you need. On
our system we have our CD-ROM as drive
d:\ so we would type “D:\WIN98” as the
correct path. Simply replace the D:\ with
the correct drive letter for your CD-ROM
and click the “OK” button.
Step 8
Congratulations! You are now done with
the driver installation. All that is needed
from you now is to click the “Finish”