User Guide
To adjust the width of an arrow tail:
Drag the body width control point of a selected arrow.
Adjusting bent arrow Auto Shapes
Bent arrows have five control points. There are control points for adjusting the flare of the arrowhead, the length of
the arrowhead tip, the length of the arrow tail, the width of the arrow tail, and the roundness of the arrow’s bend.
To adjust the flare of the arrowhead of a bent arrow:
Drag the arrowhead control point of a selected bent arrow.
To increase or decrease the sharpness of the arrowhead of a bent arrow:
Drag the tip control point of a selected bent arrow.
To lengthen or shorten a bent arrow tail:
Drag the handle length control point of a selected bent arrow.
To adjust the width of a bent arrow tail:
Drag the handle width control point of a selected bent arrow.
To adjust the corner roundness of a bent arrow tail:
Drag the corner radius control point of a selected arrow.
Adjusting beveled, chamfered, and rounded rectangle Auto Shapes
Beveled, chamfered, and rounded rectangles have five control points. The control point on each corner adjusts all
corners together. You can also Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Macintosh) to edit a single corner. The
remaining control point resizes the rectangle without changing the roundness of the corner.
To edit the corner radius of rectangles drawn with the Rectangle tool, use the Rectangle Roundness setting in the
Property inspector.
To adjust the corners of a beveled, chamfered, or rounded rectangle Auto Shape:
Drag a corner control point of a selected shape.
To adjust a single corner of a beveled, chamfered, or rounded rectangle Auto Shape:
Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Macintosh) a corner control point of a selected shape.
To resize a beveled, chamfered, or rounded rectangle Auto Shape without affecting the corners:
Drag the drag-to-resize control point.
To convert the corners of a rectangle to a different type:
Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Macintosh) any corner control point.
To convert a single corner to a different type:
Shift-Alt-click (Windows) or Shift-Option-click (Macintosh) any corner control point.