Photoshop CS Scripting Guide
What’s Next
PDF Presentation
Photoshop Elements introduced the ability to save multiple images in a single PDF
document for presentation as a slide show. Photoshop CS has this feature -- called PDF
Presentation -- which you can access through the scripting interface.
XMP Metadata
Metadata is any data that helps to describe the content or characteristics of a file.
With an XMP-enabled application like Photoshop CS, information about a objects and
properties and data such as camera settings and photo captions can be captured during the
content creation process and embedded within the file. Meaningful descriptions and titles,
searchable keywords, and up-to-date author and copyright information can be captured in a
format that is easily understood by you as well as by software applications, hardware
devices, and file formats.
To access XMP metadata via scripts you also need to know XML and XAP.
1.10 What’s Next
The next chapter describes the Photoshop Object Model and shows how it can be used to script
“Hello, World” in three languages -- AppleScript, Visual Basic, and JavaScript. In addition,
scripting basics and general scripting techniques are covered.