Making the Switch from PageMaker to InDesign
Resizing and cropping graphics
The Position tool in InDesign is similar to the
Crop tool in PageMaker. (See “Using the Position
tool” on page 72.) You can also crop an image by
adjusting its graphics frame. (See “Understanding
frames” on page 23.)
Adding strokes (keylines) to frames
PageMaker creates keylines using a plug-in that
draws a box around an object, applies a stroke to
the box, and then groups the box and object
together. Since every object in InDesign has a
frame, you can create keylines by applying a stroke
to the frame around a graphic, text frame, or other
object. There is no need to create a separate box or
group objects together. (For more information
about working with stroke styles, see InDesign
Help.)You can also adjust the placement of the
keyline by moving the stroke relative to the inside
or outside of the frame, or by centering the stroke
on the frame.
Adjusting a keyline
Stroke outside the graphics frame
Stroke centered on the graphics frame
Stroke applied inside the graphics frame
Aligning objects
PageMaker and InDesign use similar commands
to group and ungroup objects, lock them, and
move an object in front of or in back of other
objects on the page. In PageMaker, these
commands are on the Element menu; in InDesign,
they are on the Object menu. The Align palette in
InDesign offers the same options for aligning and
distributing objects as the Element > Align menu
in PageMaker.
Both PageMaker and InDesign let you align text or
imported graphics relative to their frames. The
Object > Text Frame Options command in
InDesign provides alignment options similar to
those found in PageMaker’s Frame Options dialog
box. (See “Working with InDesign text frames” on
page 27.)
Commands on the Object > Fitting
menu help you position an imported graphic
within its frame.
Fitting content in frames
Original position of graphic in frame
Graphic centered in frame
For more information about aligning and
distributing objects, or aligning an object
within a graphics frame, see InDesign Help.