Digital Input/Output Function Library
Handle to the destination window for a Windows message
when the specified INT event occurs. If windowHandle is 0, no
Windows messages will be sent.
User-defined message. When the specified INT event occurs,
MXC-6300 matrix_dio remits this message. The message can
be of any value. In Windows, the message can be set to a
value including any Windows predefined messages, such as
WM_PAINT. However, to define a designated message, any
value ranging from WM_USER (0x400) to 0x7fff can be used.
This range is reserved by Windows for user-defined messages.
Address of the user callback function. The MXC-6300
matrix_dio calls this function when the specified INT event
occurs. If no callback function is desired, set callbackAddr to 0.
Return codes
Controls the INT1 interrupt sources for a dual-interrupt system
and notifies the application when an interrupt event occurs.
Notification is implemented through a user-specified callback
function or the Windows PostMessage API.
C/C++ and Borland C++
I16 DIO_INT1_EventMessage (I16 Int1Mode, HANDLE
windowHandle, U32 message, void
Visual Basic
Содержание MXC-6300
Страница 10: ...x List of Tables This page intentionally left blank PRELIM INARY...
Страница 12: ...xii List of Figures This page intentionally left blank PRELIM INARY...
Страница 20: ...8 Introduction Figure 1 3 MXC 6300 Top View Figure 1 4 MXC 6300 Front View 174 2 PRELIM INARY...
Страница 46: ...34 Introduction This page intentionally left blank PRELIM INARY...
Страница 49: ...Getting Started 37 MXC 6300 2 Withdraw the thumbscrew and remove the top cover by lifting PRELIM INARY...
Страница 57: ...Getting Started 45 MXC 6300 5 Remove the external CF socket cover PRELIM INARY...
Страница 58: ...46 Getting Started 6 Align the externally mounted CF card with the guide of the external CF socket PRELIM INARY...
Страница 67: ...Getting Started 55 MXC 6300 PRELIM INARY...
Страница 68: ...56 Getting Started This page intentionally left blank PRELIM INARY...
Страница 94: ...82 BIOS Setup PRELIM INARY...
Страница 97: ...Activating RAID Function 85 MXC 6300 PRELIM INARY...
Страница 100: ...88 Activating RAID Function 4 After the RAID Volume is created it should appear in the RAID volume list PRELIM INARY...
Страница 106: ...94 Activating RAID Function PRELIM INARY...
Страница 124: ...112 Digital Input Output Function Library This page intentionally left blank PRELIM INARY...