Bridge Amp
Owner’s Guide
PowerLab Requirements
The ML221, ML224 and ML228 Bridge Amps will only operate with
newer models of PowerLabs, such as the /SP, /20, /26 and /30 series.
Software Requirements
The ML221, ML224 and ML228 Bridge Amps require the following
versions of ADInstruments software applications:
LabChart version 6, or later, for Windows or Macintosh
Chart version 5.4.2, or later, for Windows or Macintosh
Scope for Windows version 3.7.8, or later
Scope for Macintosh version 4.0.3, or later.
Note: the Bridge Amps will not operate with earlier versions of these
applications. Free updates are available from the ADInstruments
website for users with earlier versions of Chart 5 and Scope. If you
have queries regarding hardware and software requirements of the
Bridge Amps, please contact your local ADInstruments representative.
Connecting to the PowerLab
Connect your Bridge Amp, to the PowerLab, as follows:
Ensure that the PowerLab is turned off. Failure to do this may
damage the PowerLab, the Bridge Amp, or both.
Connect the I
C output of the PowerLab to the I
C input of the
front-end using the I
C cable provided.
Connect a BNC cable from each signal output, on the rear of the
Bridge Amp, to an input on the front panel of the PowerLab.
Note that the Quad Bridge Amp acts just as if it were four individual
Bridge Amps; the Octal Bridge Amp, eight. The I
C connections are
internal, though, so there is only one I
C cable needed to connect the
Quad or Octal Bridge Amps to the recording unit.
Check that the plugs for the I
C bus are screwed in firmly and the
BNC cables have firm connections. Loose connectors can cause erratic
front-end behavior, or may cause the front-end to fail to work at all.
BNC cables can lie under the front-end to keep them out of the way.
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