Electronic Devices Srl – IT31010 – Mareno – Treviso INFO:
Phone +39.0438.30.91.31
User Manual
EtherNet/IP / DeviceNet Master - Converter
Document code: MN67597_ENG Revision 1.011 Pagina 13 di 25
This section define the fundamental communication parameters of two buses, EtherNet/IP and DeviceNet.
By Pressing the “
Set Communication
” button from the main window for SW67597 (Fig. 2) the window
“Set Communication” appears (Fig. 3).
The window is divided in two sections, one for the EtherNet/IP and the other for the DeviceNet.
The means of the fields for “EtherNet/IP” are:
In the fields “
” insert the IP address that you want to give to the Converter;
In the fields “
” insert the SubNet Mask;
In the fields “
” insert the default gateway that you want to use. This feature can be
enabled of disabled pressing the Check Box field;
In the field “
” the port used for EtherNet/IP communication is defined. The port has a fixed
value of 44818;
In the field "
Number Byte Input
" the number of byte from the EtherNet/IP to the Converter is
defined (at maximum it is possible to use 500 byte);
In the field "
Number Byte Output
" the number of byte from the Converter to the EtherNet/IP is
defined (at maximum it is possible to use 500 byte).
The means of the fields for the “DeviceNet” section are:
In the field “
ID Dev.
” the address for the DeviceNet Master is defined;
In the field “
Baud Rate
” the velocity of the DeviceNet bus is defined.
Figure 3: “Set Communication” window