Weather Station with Wireless Outdoor
Sensor WS 1601
The weather forecast is based on the
collected data and the measured air
pressure changes. The forecast pertains
to the region around the weather station
with a radius of approx 30 to 50 km, for a
period of 12 to 24 hours.
The accuracy of the weather forecast lies
around 75 %.
light cloudy
Saved weather data
Using the MEM button, you will get the
highest and lowest temperature and
humidity values for the last 24 hours dis-
Press 1x: MAX values are displayed
Press 2x: MIN values are displayed
Press 3x: normal display indicator
In order to delete the saved values:
Press and hold the MEM button for
approx. 2 seconds until the displayed
values are deleted.
02 Bedienung EN Kurzanleitung A6.indd 12
18.04.2016 11:25:18