Captiv8 Engineering Manual Eng00 Issue 1a 03/06/04
b) Leaving the Building
If leaving the building, go to the Keypad and key in the PIN code, or present the
tag. The exit tone will start.
Leave by the agreed exit route and close and lock the final exit door.
If fitted, press the 'Push to Set' button and the exit tone will cease. Captiv8-256
is now set.
c) Entering the Building
To enter the building the agreed entry route must be used, moving directly to
the keypad.
Entry tone will sound, “Beep - beep - beep -…”
ENTRY [020]
Key in the PIN code or present the tag and the entry tone will cease.
Captiv8-256 is now unset.
d) Part-Setting the System
i) Smart
To set the system while personnel remain in the building (e.g. to set the alarm
at night), the Smart operating system will recognise the level of security
required and will set only part of the system.
If partial setting is required the Push-to-Set button will not need to be used.