EV-2100 Quick Start Guide
Congratulations and thank you for your EV-2100 purchase. This guide will
help you start using your EV-2100 device as quickly as possible. A more
extensive User’s Manual is included on the enclosed CD.
Note: Color scheme may vary
Video Outputs: VGA and DVI
Audeo Outputs: 3.5mm stereo
Audio Cable:
3.5 stereo male – male
InternetVue 2100:
Overall Requirements:
TV or projector with RGBHV HDB15 (VGA) or DVI-D video inputs
PC running:
Windows XP or Vista RC1
– Pentium 4 or M, 1.8 GHz or faster; slower CPUs okay for viewing slow-moving
or static images
– 512MB RAM or more (1024MB RAM recommended for Vista)
– Wired (10/100) or wireless (802.11b/g) network connection; WEP, WPA/WPA-PSK
with TKIP or AES encryption supported
Make sure that the TV or projector and the EV-2100 is
unpowered. Connect the EV-2100 to your TV or projector’s
associated AV inputs
Connect the power adapter to the EV-2100 power jack input first
(a), and then plug in the power adapter into and AC outlet
(b), Power on your TV or projector and select the associated AV input.