Technical description Chapter 5
You can delete the registration of a board. Select the board to be deleted and
click on "Clear".
Sets the parametered board configuration. The configuration should be set
before you save it.
Reactivates the former parameters of the saved configuration.
Sets the standard parameters of the board.
More information:
You can change the board specific parameters like the Identifier string, the COM
number, the operating mode of a communication board, etc...
If your board does not support these information, you can not activate this button.
ADDIREG makes the difference between PCI boards and
communication boards.
Communication boards:
The following figure is the example of 4 serial interfaces.
Fig. 5-7: Communication board
If you use the standard driver for Windows, you can select the COM number.
Several options like "Module selection" and the different parameters can only be
activated if the functions are available.