Technical description Chapter 5
Base address name:
When the board operates with several base addresses (One for port 1, one for
port 2, etc.) you can select which base address is to be changed.
Base address:
In this box you can select the base addresses of your PC board. The free base
addresses are listed. The used base addresses do not appear in this box.
Interrupt name:
When the board must support different interrupt lines (common or single
interrupts), you can select them in this box.
Selection of the interrupt number which the board is to use.
DMA name:
When the board supports 2 DMA channels, you can select which DMA channel
is to be changed.
DMA channel:
Selection of the used DMA channel.
Selection of the highlighted board with the different parameters set in the text boxes.
Click on Edit to activate the data or click twice on the selected board.
When you want to insert a new board, click on "Insert". The following dialog
window appears:
Fig. 5-6: Inserting a new board
All boards you can registrate are listed on the left. Select the wished board. (The
corresponding line is highlighted).
On the right you can read technical information about the board(s).
Activate with "OK"; You come back to the former screen.
1 "x": Keyboard shortcut. e.g.: "Alt + e" for Edit