AdDent Calset Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2


operatIon of calset


Plug the universal power supply into a suitable outlet. Connect the power plug into the 

power connector 

MaKInG sUre tHat It Is fUlly seated

. Put a gun dispenser, 

syringe, anesthetic, or porcelain tray on top of the heater. The following is a list of the 

push button switch functions with regard to temperature and LED color indicators.  

The push button will scroll through three temperatures as follows:

    push Button 

led color 


    Push 1 time 


 98°F (37°C)

    Push 2nd time 


 130°F (54°C)

    Push 3rd time 


 155°F (68°C)

    Hold for 2 seconds 


 Turn Off

The amber (yellow) LED on the right side of the unit turns on when the switch is  

depressed.  This indicates that the wall plug and power plug are properly connected 

to the unit. In approximately 14 minutes the desired temperature is reached and the 

LED stops flashing.

over teMperatUre


The Calset has a back up thermostat that will shut down the Calset if the temperature 

exceeds the program value. The lights will go out and the unit will cool down. When 

the thermostat resets, it may be possible to re-energize the Calset, but if it shuts down 

again, return the Calset for repair.





 The Calset unit can be disinfected to prevent cross contamination. The  

top tray is autoclavable, or can be wiped with a cloth and disinfectant. The plastic 

housing should only be wiped using a disinfectant and should not be sprayed. 


not aUtoclave tHe BottoM HeatInG tray.






 The Calset operates 


. Care should be taken to avoid touching hot 

surfaces. The tray has a plastic cover and plastic rings for handling. If the tray is to be 

taken off the control housing, the heater should be turned off so that the top plate will 

cool. This is achieved by holding the control switch in for 2 seconds until amber light 

goes off. The unit will then turn off and the top plate will cool.

accessory trays



– Holds dispenser gun and 2 finishing instruments. For use with CoMax  

(AdDent), Caulk, Kerr (original model), SDI, and Clinicians Choice


dispenser Gun trays

 ― for use with 3M, Kuraray, Vident, Centrix Nu-Gun and  

Vivadent Guns. Visit website for PN’s.


anesthetic tray 

– Holds 3 anesthetic carpules. 

For use only with 98°F (37°C)  

Temperature setting (Green LED).


porcelain veneer tray

 – To cement veneers with composite


syringe tray

 – For composite syringes

 trI-tray GUn tray

Use of trI- tray


When placing the composite compule 

gun into the opening for heating, be sure 

the groove at the top of the sleeve lines 

up with the orifice of the compule in the 

dispenser gun.








    dIsInfectIon InstrUctIon for dIspenser GUn tray


To clean, remove the plastic sleeve and top.  The sleeve and the top can be  

cold sterilized.  The metal tray can be autoclaved or cold sterilized.  A Q-tip with  

disinfectant can be used to clean out the middle of the tray.         




  do  not  aUtoclave  tHe  BottoM  HeatInG  tray                                                                                                     




your favorite composite  

finishing instruments 

Spare Compules

LED Indicators
