2.3 Programming Your ADCOM GRC-800
Remote Controller
The ADCOM universal remote controller operates eight dif-
ferent audio/video components. As you’ve already seen,
it’s preprogrammed to control ADCOM’s GTP-860 Preamp/
Tuner and the GCD-700/750 CD players. In addition, it
has seven “component memory banks” available so you
can program the remote to learn commands for your DVD
player, satellite box, laser disc player, VCR, etc. This lets
you use one remote controller for your entire system.
Using Preprogrammed Commands
Using the remote controller’s preprogrammed commands
is simple. For most GTP-860 functions (volume up/down,
changing surround modes, etc.), follow these easy steps.
1. Press the main source selector button. This tells the
remote that you want to use GTP-860 preprogrammed
commands. The main button will flash red to tell you it
2. Press the appropriate function button (volume up, vol-
ume down, etc.) If you’ve selected a button that actually
triggers a GTP-860 command, the main button will again
flash red to confirm your choice. If the main button does
not flash, you’ve selected a function button that isn’t pre-
(Review the table above to see which buttons are prepro-
For tuner functions (changing stations, etc.):
1. Press the tuner source selector button. It will flash red.
2. Press the tuning up (or tuning down) function button
to change stations. The tuner source selector will flash
red to confirm that the function button you’ve selected
actually triggers a command. (Again, use the table to see
which buttons are preprogrammed.)
Press the CD source selector first to access prepro-
grammed commands for ADCOM CD players.
NOTE: You can program new commands over the preprogrammed
commands in tuner and CD if you wish. However, you cannot
program any buttons, even those unprogrammed with GTP-860
command codes, while you’re in main mode. This safety feature
assures you that you will always be able to fully enjoy the GTP-
860’s capabilities.
Programming Your Own Commands
You can supplement preprogrammed commands with com-
mands to operate other components. Before you begin to
follow these steps, note the status LED located at the top
left corner just above the remote’s button panel: It will
flash red, orange, or green to signal particular functions
as you enter new commands into your ADCOM remote.
Begin by deciding which source component’s commands
you will be transferring to the ADCOM remote. Then press
the appropriate source selector button. For example, if
you’re teaching your ADCOM remote commands for your
Video 1 source, press the vid 1 source selector first. You
can “teach” your remote new commands for any function
button (except backlight) after you’ve selected vid 1, vid
2, vid 3, vid 4, vid 5, tuner, or CD.
1. Place the source component’s remote “head to head”
with the ADCOM remote. They should be in line with each
other about 2 to 3 inches apart.
2. Press the ADCOM remote’s appropriate source selector
and select buttons simultaneously. Hold both buttons until
the status LED turns orange and the source selector but-
ton glows red. Both indicators should remain lit.
3. Decide which function button on the ADCOM remote
you want to learn a new command. Press it. The orange
status LED will begin to flash and the source selector LED
will go out.
4. Find the corresponding button on the source compo-
nent’s remote. Press and hold it until the status LED on
the ADCOM remote flashes green once and remains green
until the button on the source remote is released. Once
the button on the source remote is released, the status
LED will start flashing orange again.
5. Verify that the ADCOM remote has learned the new
command by pressing and holding the same button on the
source remote. The ADCOM remote’s status LED should
flash green twice and then go back to steady orange. This
indicates successful programming. Release the button on
the source remote.