| ADCOM GDV-850 Owner’s Manual
ADCOM GDV-850 Owner’s Manual |
GDV-850 Setup Menu
4.1 Setup Overview
All configurations for the GDV-850 are
made in the setup menu. The setup
menu is displayed on the OSD and
accessed with the setup button on the
GRC-815 remote control. When the setup
button is pressed your source material,
if playing, is paused and a transparent
blue menu is displayed over the source
video. Please note that not all options
can be modified while source material
is active. Use the navigation keys on the
remote to navigate the setup menu, all
selections will be saved when you exit
setup. Pressing the setup button while in
the setup menu will exit the menu and
playback of your material will resume.
Changes can be made to the GDV-850 in
four main areas: general setup, speaker
setup, audio setup and preferences.
4.2 General Setup
The General Setup page provides a
number of setup items relating to the
type of TV monitor, progressive scan-
ning, and the appearance of On-Screen
Displays and the front panel display.
TV Display
The TV display option allows the DVD
player video output to be configured
to match the size of your TV and your
viewing preferences. First, you need
to decide which type of TV you are
using. There are two different aspect
ratio TVs available today: standard (4:
3) and widescreen (16:9). If your TV is a
widescreen set, then you should select
the “widescreen” option. If your TV is
the standard 4:3 then you should select
either pan/scan or letter box. The let-
ter box option will display black bars at
the top and bottom of the picture when
you are watching widescreen material.
If you don’t want to see the bars, then
you should select the pan/scan option.
When you are viewing widescreen mate-
rial, the pan/scan options cuts off the
extreme left and right sides of the pic-
ture, and fills your entire TV screen.
PIC Mode
This setting optimizes the Progressive
Scan mode. The setting is only in effect
if you are using an NTSC TV monitor.
It has no effect unless your monitor
accepts progressive scan video signals
and the GDV-850’s Progressive Scan fea-
ture is activated. Progressive scanning
combines two interlaced (480i) fields
into a single progressive (480p) image
for display on digital monitors. When
source material was originally filmed
with video cameras, this is a relatively
straightforward digital conversion since
video is shot with a frame rate of 60
interlaced frames per second which
is then displayed at 30 progressive
frames per second. However, mate-
rial originally shot on film presents a
more difficult challenge since it was
shot at a frame rate of 24 frames per
second. When converted to video with
30 frames per second, this material may
show artifacts on fast motion scenes. An
advanced film mode technique known
as reverse 3:2 pulldown improves the
picture with film-based recordings.
The GDV-850 recognizes the picture
type based on ID codes embedded at
the start of the disc.
This option activates the reverse
3:2 pulldown feature and is optimized
for film source images. It should only be
used to force the progressive scanning
into film mode.
This option is optimized for video source
material and is used to force the progres-
sive scanning into video mode.
The option may be best for discs with
mixed film source and video source
material that cannot rely on an identi-
fying code inserted at the beginning of
the disc. The GDV-850 senses the type
of recording for each scene and adjusts
the progressive scanning accordingly.
Super Smart
This option is the default setting and
usually provides the best performance.
In addition to activating film or video
modes based on embedded codes, it
analyzes the video signal in real time
and uses motion adaptive interpolation
to optimize the display for rapidly moving
images or still images.
Angle Mark
You can choose whether or not to have
the unit display an angle icon in the
corner of the screen to inform you