953.053UK User Manual
Any event can also be deleted from the schedule by clicking the red
or another event added by clicking the green
: Ensure that the schedule file is only set to trigger mp3 files that exist within the
If the schedule is set to trigger any mp3 files (
) that are missing from the
folder, this will
result in a r
ead error (this is shown by a “READ ERR” message after the startup cycle).
ce all event settings are finalized as required, click on “Check” to verify that all the event timings are set correctly.
This will display the message “Attention
Timing is corr
ect. Please export the document”. Click OK to close this window.
To create the
file, click “Export”. This will display the message “Attention
File exported successfully” with
the file path (in the same directory as
). Click OK to confirm again.
The resulting text document
can be opened in a notepad editor to check and edit if required. This can be
stored on the PC and can even be re-edited in the sc
hedule software by clicking on “Import” and browsing to the file.
The format of the schedule.txt document is Time,Days,Message
(all separated by commas only - an example is shown opposite)
The Time format is 4-digit, 24-hour (midnight =
The Days are abbreviated to the first 3 letters (Monday =
The Message is the file name without
(message 1 =
If preferred, the schedule file can be written from scratch without
the editor software by using a text editor or even using a
spreadsheet editor (as a .csv file and then converted to a .txt file)
Each event must be on a separate line and must not have spaces.
If the schedule is to be edited or written in a text editor (such as
Notepad), it is imperative to keep the same format and not add
spaces or alter punctuation, as this would make the file invalid.
This file must be saved to the root folder of the SD card.
The file name must be
for the DM-8 to recognize it.
The DM-8 looks for the
file on power-up and reads it
to set up the message playback schedule.
This is in addition to the message mp3 files mentioned at the start of this section.
If any manually entered events coincide at the same time, this will result in a “READ ERR” message on startup.
will pop up a warning if any events clash in the schedule and highlight them in red.