AR4000 User’s Manual
LLL004001 – Rev 2.7
7. Initial Checkout
7.1 4000-LV
When power is applied the green LED on the back panel should flash briefly and
then stay on, and a bright red beam should be emitted from the center of the front
aperture. The sensor should give reasonable range information immediately,
although it will take 5-10 minutes for the internal temperature and range readings
to stabilize fully.
7.2 4000-LIR
When power is applied the green LED on the back panel should come on. After
approximately 6 seconds, the LED will flash briefly and the laser will come on.
The beam will be invisible or just barely visible. Use an IR viewing card in the
path of the beam for viewing. The sensor should give reasonable range
information after the 6 second delay has passed and the laser turns on, although it
will take 5-10 minutes for the range readings to stabilize fully.
7.2.1 Verifying Operation
In its default configuration, the 4000 transmits 5 samples per second at 9600
baud over the serial line, and transmits measured distance over the current loop
output (if installed) with the same update rate. The frequency of the pulse width
output will be higher: See the Pulse Width Output section. The current loop
should put out 4 mA at zero range, and 20 mA at 650 inches. Check either or
both of these signals to verify basic sensor operation.
7.3 Troubleshooting
If the LED does not come on, then blink once and stay on, check the power
supply wiring. If the laser does not come on (after 6 seconds for the 4000-LIR),
or the LED blinks rapidly (several times a second) check the power supply
voltage. If the LED blinks continuously about once a second after power-up, the
EEPROM has lost its configuration and/or calibration data. Pressing the switch
will allow power-up to continue, but configuration information and measurement
accuracy may have been affected. Messages will be transmitted over the serial
port describing the failure (see the section on Configuration and Non-Volatile
Storage). Configuration information may be restored by re-entering the desired
configuration. Contact Acuity in the event of calibration data loss.
In the event of slightly low voltage from the power supply, the sensor will stop
transmitting data and the LED will blink rapidly (several times a second) until
the power supply level is restored.