A regular maintenance is the only way to keep your walking treadmill functioning for the longest time
possible. A lack of maintenance can reduce its lifespan.
Adjusting the running belt
Adjustment of running belt have two functions: to center the running belt and to adjust its tension.
Running belt adjustment has already been done at the factory, but after use the running belt will be
stretched and may run with off center position causing friction trim and rear cover damage. Running belt
being stretched during use is normal. If you step off the treadmill while leaving it running it should return
to center. If it doesn't, you might need to do some adjustment:
1. Start the treadmill and raise the speed to 6 km/h. Observe the gap between belt and sides at left and
2. If the belt is leaning to the left, use hex wrench to rotate the screw clockwise ¼ turn.
3. If the belt is leaning towards the right side, use the hex wrench, rotate right screw clockwise 1/4 turn.
4. If the running belt is still not in the middle, repeat the above action, until the running belt is centered.
If it becomes too tight, loosen tension by rotating counter clockwise equally on both left and right screw.
Center the running belt to the middle, adjust speed to 8 km/h, and observe deviations running belt and
running smooth. If there are deviations, repeat the adjustment steps.