Medalist 450 Owners Manual
Always be sure your power chair and its batteries are properly secured when it is
being transported. Batteries should be secured in an upright position and protective
caps should be installed on the battery terminals. Batteries should not be transported
with any flammable or combustible items.
Do not sit on your power chair while it is in a moving vehicle.
Your authorized ActiveCare Provider, therapist(s), and other healthcare professionals are responsible
for determining your requirement for a positioning belt in order to operate your power chair safely.
If you require a positioning belt to safely operate your power chair, make sure it is
fastened securely in order to reduce the possibility of a fall from your power chair.
The positioning belt is not designed for use as a seat belt in a motor vehicle. Nor is
your power chair suitable for use as a seat in any vehicle. Anyone traveling in a
vehicle should be properly belted into seats approved by the vehicle manufacturer.
Many buildings have wheelchair-accessible ramps with specified degrees of incline, designed for easy
and safe access. Some ramps may have turning switchbacks (180-degree turns) that require you to
have good cornering skills on your power chair. Proceed with extreme caution as you approach the
downgrade of a ramp or other incline. DO NOT use on inclines greater than 6°. Take wide swings with
your power chair’s front wheels around any tight corners. If you do that, the power chair’s rear wheels
will follow a wide arc, not cut the corner short, and not bump into or get hung up on any railing corners.
When driving down a ramp, keep the power chair’s speed adjustment set to the slowest speed setting
to ensure a safely controlled descent. Avoid sudden stops and starts. When climbing an incline, try to
keep your power chair moving. If you must stop, start up again slowly and then accelerate cautiously.
When driving down an incline, set your power chair to the slowest speed setting and drive in the
forward direction only. If your power chair starts to move down the incline faster than you anticipated or
desired, allow it to come to a complete stop by releasing the joystick, then push the joystick forward
slightly to ensure a safely controlled descent.
When on any sort of an incline or decline, never place the power chair in freewheel
mode while seated on it or standing next to it.