ACT-IR103SL & IR8203L, v0.1.1-030208
IrFM POS Adapter & Protocol IC
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IrFM POS Adapter and Protocol IC
ACT-IR103SL & IR8203L
A) IrFM POS Adapter and Protocol IC, IR103SL & IR8203L
IrFM POS Front End Adapter is a sub-assembly designed specifically to handle the
lower level IrDA protocol layers for IrFM POS. It is a ready to use, assembled and
tested hardware/firmware sub-assembly that handles IrPHY, IrLAP (including Fast
Connect), IrLMP (including IAS for IrFM OBEX), and TinyTP. Physically, it can be as
external RS232 adapter (IR103SL), internal PCB (IE103SLi), or protocol IC (IR8203L).
B) Benefits of IR103SL & IR8203L
1) Speed up the IrDA IrFM certification process.
2) Speed up time to market for IrFM POS.
3) Lower the non-recurring cost of developing IrFM POS.
4) Lower the incremental cost of producing IrFM POS.
5) Lower the maintenance cost of IrFM POS.
6) Relieves the hosting IrFM POS from handling Fast Connection.
(Newly published by IrDA, January 15, 2003).
7) Relieves the hosting IrFM POS from handling the Transceiver hardware specifics.
8) Relieves the hosting IrFM POS from handling time critical requirements of IrLAP.
9) Enables easy POS emulation to test PTD (Personal Trusted Device).
C) Features of IR103SL & IR8203L
1) Simple wired serial interface to the hosting IrFM POS.
2) Automatically handles Fast Connection. (Newly published by IrDA, January 15, 2003)
without burdening the hosting IrFM POS.
3) Efficiently and automatically handles the minimum turnaround, maximum turnaround,
and all time critical requirements.
4) Compliant to IrDA requirements for IrPHY and IrLAP layers.
5) Very low component count. Small and modular in construction.
6) Low cost, low power.
D) IrFM Protocol Partition Block Diagram
1) IR8203L/IR103L/IR103Li includes; IrLAP with Fast Connect, IrLMP, IAS,
Tiny TP and IrFM OBEX Transport.
2) This IrFM POS external adapter, internal PCB, or controller IC interfaces
with host POS system through wired serial with flow control.