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2. Wire Wrap Tools –
Figure 14: Wire Wrap gun & Wire Stripper tool
Strip the wire to the correct length 3.8 cm (1.5 inches).
Pull back gently on the gun during the wrap.
Turns must be tight.
Wraps must not be bunched in a pile on top of each other on the pin.
A correct wrap will have 7 turns.
To remove, turn a Removal Tool counter clockwise on the pins.
Figure 15: Example for a good wrap and Bad Wrap
Wrap is 7 times around pin but has a tail sticking up -
The cause is that too much wire is being stripped and a tail is left.
Use the stripping tool to strip 3.81 cm (1.5 inches) of insulation only.
Wrap is all bunched up at the bottom of the pin -
The cause is incorrect technique
Remember to pull back gently as the gun is pulled.
Wire comes in from different directions to the pin -
Follow the pattern on the other pins and have the wire all come in from the same direction
Insulation must be ¼ wrap on base of pin
1.3.2 Connector Terminations
3M termination
The 3M SLIC terminals uses Raychem’s DTerminator 2IIDC (Inverted Insulation Displacement Connector)
block. The connector accommodates 18 – 24 AWG drop wires without stripping the conductors. Gel-filled test
ports in the top of each drive module accept standard butt-in clips for easy testing to the CO. In the field, you
may encounter these in 5-pair, 10-pair, or 25-pair blocks.