Step 1a. Installing the Libero IDE and CoreConsole -
SoftConsole tools
Follow the instructions provided with the Libero v8.x CD for installing Libero
IDE, CoreConsole, and SoftConsole tools provided in the Libero IDE DVD
Step 1b. Check the Actel website for the latest tools.
Since the Cortex-M1 processor is new, it is important to download the latest
Libero, CoreConsole and SoftConsole tools from the Actel Website.
Go to the following link and follow the Actel download instructions.
For futher information on how to use the Libero, CoreConsole and
SoftConsole tools, please refer to the documentation supplied in the Libero
IDE DVD case, on the DVD/CDs or go to the Actel website.
Step 2. Installing the Cortex-M1 Enabled Fusion
Development Kit using the Install CD
The Install CD contains the following:
M1AFS Board Schematics, Layout, Datasheets
Sample Design Project
M1AFS Dev. Kit User Guide
M1AFS Dev. Kit Quick Start Guide
Available IP
Simply place the Install CD in the CD Drive on your PC of Laptop. The CD
should automatically start an auto-run session. At this point, follow the
instructions (prompts) on the “Install” dialog box.
The “Install” application will properly place all the documentation, sample
project files and the USB Serial Port drivers in the C:\Actel_ M1AFS folder
(default) or the user selected folder.
Step 3. Powering up the board
Before powering up the M1AFS board for the first time, please make sure the
switches and jumpers are in the following, factory set, positions:
All switches (0-9) are in the ON position.
JP1, JP2, JP3, JP4(1-4), JP5, JP7(2-3), JP8(2-3), JP9,
are installed.
All others
are not installed.
Apply power to the board by connecting one end of the 5-Volt power supply
to the J3 connector on the M1AFS board and the other end to a power outlet.
Next, plug in one end of a USB cable to the PC and the other to the J1 USB
(PROG) connector on the M1AFS board.
Note: If prompted for FlashPro3 USB drivers, see the Libero 8.x
documentation for instructions on installing the drivers.
Next, plug in the second USB cable, between the PC and the J2 USB
(SERIAL) connector on the M1AFS board. You should see the LED near the
J2 connector illuminate.
Note: The PC will detect that new hardware is installed. The “add new
hardware wizard” will take care of the USB driver installation. The wizard
may ask for a location for the drivers. The drivers are located in the
C:\Actel_M1AFS\Sample Design\USB_Drivers” folder.
Step 4. Running the “Sample Design”
The M1AFS board is shipped with an example analog measurement program
loaded in the onboard flash memory. After the board is powered in Step 3,
you should observe the LEDs illuminate in a pattern that reflects a voltage
measurement across a potentiometer at R6. Change the measured voltage
across R6 by rotating the dial on the potentiometer at R6 with a screwdriver,
and watch the LED pattern change.
To further explore the capability of the development kit, and to see more
analog measurements, use the following procedure:
1. Find the PC COM port that corresponds to the RS-232 USB chip
connected to J2.
On the PC, click the Start button and open up the “Device Manager”
by navigating to “Start -> Control Panel -> System”. Then click the
“Hardware” tab, then the “Device Manager” button.
Expand the “Ports (COM & LPT)” tree in the view and note the COM
port (highlighted in the figure).