Normal Operation
The system can be placed into normal operation once all inspections are complete and
the pump tank level is lowered to a point below the high water float horizontal plane.
This will prevent the BDMC from running the pump to excess and potentially damaging
the dispersal field. Dosing time should be set to no more than six minutes for the first
few days. This will allow the dispersal field to begin the normalization process. The soil
structure can begin to return and vegetation cover along with root penetration is
regained. This process may take several weeks. Once the dispersal field has “healed”
adequately, the operator can set the dosing time and dosing frequency to the design
point determined by the system engineer or designer. It is not unusual for the filter to
require more attention while the wastewater pretreatment system reaches its optimum
level of performance. If this occurs, the operator can simply turn the system off and
back on to initiate an additional filter flush. Once complete, the system can be turned
off and on again in the dosing mode as described under Testing and Inspection.
The components making up the
“ACT WFS” ACT-100S dispersal system require limited
maintenance and inspection. The operator and/or maintenance provider should inspect
the entire system for potential leaks and component deterioration a minimum of two
times per year. The following should be performed each time the unit is inspected
minimum twice a year
Head Works Box
Look for leaks in the head works box while under pressure.
Look for signs of leaking around threaded fittings.
Inspect flow meter and insure that it is operating properly.
Inspect hydraulic hoses for kinking, cuts and cracking.
Look for evidence of standing water in the head works box.
Open BDMC and inspect interior.
Look for signs of condensation and corrosion on the main and expansion boards.
Inspect BDMC door seal for tears and deterioration.
Open all valve boxes and inspect equipment.
Inspect air-vacuum relief valves and insure that each is sealing and opening
Inspect zone valves and check for leaks. Be sure that the solenoid wiring is in
tact and watertight connectors are in place.
Inspect valve boxes for standing water.
Observe valve operation and switching.