ACR122T – Application Programming Interface
Version 2.02
Page 30 of 45
Step 1: Send an APDU {60h} to get the first frame. INS=0x60h
Answer: AF 04 01 01 00 02 18 05h[$1805h]
Step 2: Send an APDU {AFh} to get the second frame. INS=0xAFh
Answer: AF 04 01 01 00 06 18 05h[$1805h]
Step 3: Send an APDU {AFh} to get the last frame. INS=0xAFh
Answer: 00 04 52 5A 19 B2 1B 80 8E 36 54 4D 40 26 04h[$2604h]
: In DESFire Native Mode, the status code [90 00h] will not be added to the response if the
response length is greater than 1. If the response length is less than 2, the status code [90 00h] will
be added in order to meet the requirement of PC/SC. The minimum response length is 2.
7.3. How to Access FeliCa Tags (ISO 18092)?
Typical sequence may be:
1. Present the FeliCa tag and connect the PICC Interface.
2. Read/Update the memory of the tag.
Step 1)
Connect the tag.
The ATR = 3B 8F 80 01 80 4F 0C A0 00 00 03 06 03
F0 11
00 00 00 00 8Ah
In which,
F0 11 = FeliCa 212K
Step 2)
Read the memory block
without using
Pseudo APDU
<< 10 06h [8-byte NFC ID] 01 09 01 01 80 00h
>> 1D 07h [8-byte NFC ID] 00 00 01 00 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AAh [90 00h]
Step 2)
Read the memory block
using Pseudo APDU
FF 00 00 00 [13]
D4 40 01
10 06
[8-byte NFC ID]
01 09 01 01 80 00h
In which,
is the length of the Pseudo Data “
D4 40 01
.. 80 00h”
D4 40 01h
is the Data Exchange Command
D5 41 00
1D 07h
[8-byte NFC ID]
00 00 01 00 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA 55 AAh
[90 00h]
In which,
D5 41 00h
the Data Exchange Response
can be obtained by using the APDU “FF CA 00 00 00h”
Please refer to the FeliCa specification for more detailed information.