ANR-J190N2-C612, ANR-J180N2-C612 User Manual
3.2.14. USB Configuration
Set USB configuration parameters.
Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2016 American Megatrends, Inc.
Version 2.17.1246. Copyright (C) 2016 American Megatrends, Inc.
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USB Configuration
USB Module Version
USB Devices:
1 Keyboard, 1 Hub
Legacy USB Support
XHCI Hand-off
EHCI Hand-off
USB Mass Storage Driver
USB hardware delays a
USB transfer time-out
Device reset time-out
Device powr-up delay
[20 sec]
[20 sec]
Enables Legacy USB
Support. AUTO option
disables legacy support
if no USB devices are
connected. DISABLE option
will keep USB devices
available only for EFI
• Legacy USB Support
Enables Legacy USB Support. AUTO option disables legacy support if no USB
devices are connected. DISABLE option will keep USB devices available only for EFI
XHCI Hand-off
This is a workaround for OSes without XHCI hand-off support. The XHCI ownership
change should be claimed by XHCI driver.
EHCI Hand-off
This is a workaround for OSes without EHCI hand-off support. The EHCI ownership
change should be claimed by EHCI driver.
• USB Mass Storage Driver Support
Enable/Disable USB Mass Storage Driver Support.
USB transfer time-out
The time-out value for Control, Bulk, and Interrupt transfers.
• Device reset time-out
USB mass storage device start unit command time-out.
• Device power-up delay
Maximum time the device will take before it properly reports itslef to the Host
Controller. ‘Auto’ Uses default value: for a Root port it is 100 ms, for a Hub port the
delay is taken from Hub descriprtor.