ac-poWered operation
If your Samurai is equipped with a DC power port,
you can use the optional AC adapter to power the Drive. This
option is particularly useful for conserving laptop battery power.
To purchase an AC adapter, contact [email protected]
hoW to unmount & DisConneCt the Drive
Windows Users
In the Windows Taskbar, click the Safely Remove icon.
In the Safely Remove pop-up menu, select the Drive. After the Drive unmounts, Windows will
display a message that it is safe to remove the device. You can then safely unplug the cable(s).
Mac users
Drag the Drive's icon to the Trash. After the icon disappears from the Desktop you can safely unplug
the cable(s).
Attention eSAtA uSerS (PC & MAC):
If your Drive is connected via eSATA, you must turn off your computer before disconnecting
the Drive.