Congratulations on purchasing one of the finest HF amplifiers in the world today. ACOM is pleased
that you have chosen one of our products, and we will endeavor to provide you with the information
and support you need to enjoy your purchase for many years. We urge you to read all of the following
materials before you embark on operating your new amplifier.
1-1. Introduction and Description
This manual explains the installation, operation, and maintenance of the ACOM1010 HF linear
The ACOM1010 is a self-contained linear amplifier that covers all amateur bands, from 1.8 through
29.7 MHz. It provides over 700 W PEP of output power (or 500 W in continuous-duty operation) with
less than 60 W of drive. The amplifier is designed to tolerate VSWR levels of up to 3:1 throughout its
operating range, and tuning is simplified by ACOM’s exclusive True Resistance Indicator (TRI). Also,
a built-in antenna selector switch with two outputs is included to provide instant choice of antennas.
Importantly, a variety of system parameters are continuously monitored and available to the operator
to assure safe and efficient amplifier operation.
1-2. Owner Assistance
If technical or operating assistance is needed, your local dealer should be contacted first. In the unlikely
event you need further information, you may get in touch with ACOM by facsimile, telephone, email or
standard mail. Fax: + 359 2 920 9656; telephone: + 359 2 920 9655; e-mail: [email protected];
standard mail: ACOM, Bul. N.Mushanov 151, 1330 Sofia, Bulgaria.
1-3. Equipment Supplied
The ACOM1010 amplifier and this manual are shipped in a cardboard carton.
1-4. Features
Easy operation. The plate-load True Resistance Indicator (TRI) is an ACOM innovation that provides
quick and precise tuning, typically in less than 10 seconds. The auto-operate function will return the
amplifier to the OPERATE mode automatically after each protection trip, saving time and avoiding manual
No tuner needed. No external antenna tuner is required as long as the antenna VSWR is 3:1 or lower.
The amplifier will perform the functions of an antenna tuner, enabling you to change antennas faster and
use them over wide frequency ranges.
A durable amplifier. This amplifier is both user-friendly and self-monitoring. It is designed to safely
withstand up to 240 W of reflected power, up to 100 milliseconds of drive spikes (RF “tails” after a PTT
or KEY release), and even operator tuning errors. It is also capable of operating at more than half its
designed output power at only 75% of nominal line (mains) voltage. Because it can tolerate deep voltage
drops (down to zero for 10 milliseconds) and 15% line voltage spikes, it is particularly suited for use in
portable environments, such as field days and DXpeditions.
LED bar-graph display. The upper LED bar-graph always reads peak forward power (except for the
service functions) while the lower LED bar-graph is for the reflected power. LED warning indicators are
provided for abnormal conditions of grid 1, grid 2, and plate parameters.