– limitation of the maximum number of available codes (only for the lock operating mode “0”!). In order to limit the
number of active codes, enter digit 8 in the programming mode (programme number), the control unit will confirm the
acceptance by means of eight short sound signals, and then specify the ordinal number from 1 to 255 of the last active
code (without taking into account the shift). After entering the single or double digit, confirm it by means of push-button
[key], and after entering the third digit, the automatic exit from the programming function will take place. The order of
the procedure is as follows:
][1507xxxx][8][ordinal number of the last active code from 1 to 255] [
– entry of the number of the table of codes. The lock includes the tables of codes from number 0000 to 9999. In
order to change the number of the table of codes, enter digit 9 in the programming mode (programme number), and
then enter four digits specifying the number of the new table of codes. After entering it into the memory, the automatic
exit from programming function will take place. The order of the procedure is as follows: [
number of the table of codes].
– setting of the so called “Double key” mode and the shift direction. The “double key” mode enables the activation of
output 2 after specifying the same code as for exit 1, with the difference that the
push-button must be pressed
twice (an active function only for the mode set to [0] in programme 4, and for the appropriate output 2 parameters set
in programme 6 – time other than “0”!). The direction of shift determines whether the shift value (set in programme 2)
is supposed to be added or deducted from the code ordinal number. The deduction is set as the factory setting. It
determines the method of code selection (an example for shift 100): we press [
][key][code No. 2 from the Table of
Codes]; the addition determines the method of code selection: we press [2][key][code No.
from the Table of
In order to change the settings, enter
digit 0
(programme 10) in the programming mode, and then enter digit 1 to
switch on the “Double Key” mode or digit 0 to switch off the “Double Key” mode, or digit 2 to set the negative shift, or
digit 3 to set the positive shift. After entering it into the memory, the automatic exit from programming will occur. The
order of the procedure is as follows:
where [y] means: y = [0] deactivation of the “double key” mode
y = [1] activation of the “double key” mode
y = [2] negative shift (-)
y = [3] positive shift (+)
Resetting the lock – restoration of the factory settings or in case of failure:
We switch off power supply voltage, 2. We wait for about 10s, 3. We press the push buttons [2,5,8], 4. We
switch on power supply, and when we hear a sound signal, we release the push-buttons. After this activity, all
the settings will be deleted and replaced by factory settings.
Table of codes with the factory-set or recently entered number
Installer code “1507 0000” – a change is required!!!
Output 1 parameters: opening time 4s, beeper switched on, pulse-shorting
Output 2 parameters: opening time 0s. – inactive output (
all the codes switch on only
Output 1
Mode of 255 codes,
Activated double key mode
Shift value = 0, a negative shift
During the first activation, change the installer code
(programme 7)
Power supply in the stand-by mode – 12 V AC/DC 20mA (80mA during the opening pro output load)
Output load capacity for 10 s – max. 1 A
Method of output control: shorting to ground – pulses or on a permanent basis
Number of codes: - preceded by the code ordinal number – max 255
- or from one to eight codes selected without specifying the ordinal number
It is not allowed to store the electrical equipment with other waste. It must be stored at sites intended for this purpose.
Therefore, please address the responsible institutions or companies dealing with waste recycling. – Directive
2002/96/WE dated January 27
, 2003