Operating Instructions DMMS_DIGISYS
DIGISYS evaluation and transmission module
DIGISYS evaluation and transmission module
The DIGISYS evaluation and transmission module is comprised of a WAGO - I/O - SYSTEM 750. A detailed
description of all components can be obtained from the company, WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH, Minden, or
alternatively, from the internet site from WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH:
The field bus controller 750-833000-002 includes ACO-specific Firmware, comprising the complete ACO-
DIGISYS - approach:
Communication with overriding system (PROFIBUS)
Issue of measured values via diverse interfaces
Start-Stop control mean value calculator
Distribute measuring orders
Storage of measuring section configuration, curves, thresholds etc.
Summarization of measured values from several sensors
Switching of material curves
Error report
Measuring operation
Moisture measuring is initiated automatically following activation of the DIGISYS
No operation is necessary in this operating mode.
This operation is not discontinued, even within the service functions, thus the measurement continues to run
in the background.
Configuration and programming interface
The configuration and programming interface is located behind the cover flap. It is used for communication
with the PC-software, the display and parameterisation module and for transmission of the firmware. The
communication cable is connected to the 4-pin port (1).
The switch for the operation mode (2) is also located behind the cover flap. The switch (2) is a push-slide
switch featuring three positions and a key function.