< 1.4 > IP console setting
After the cable connection, please take the follow ing steps to configure the IP KVM :
1. Dow nload IPKVM setup.exe
2. Double click IPKVMsetup.exe to configure the IP KVM by device setup as belo w.
3. Click
R efresh D evice
to search the connected IP KVM
4. Select the M .A.C . address, whic h you w ant to setup, then click
Q uery D evice
5. Enter Super user login.
Th e defau lt is sup er
6. Enter Super user passw ord.
Th e defau lt is p ass
7. Enter the new super user passw or d
8. Re-enter the new passw ord
9. Change the desired IP address / Subnet m ask / Gatewa y, then click
Setup Device
to confirm the setting to IP KVM
10. The default address is as below:--
T he single IP KVM m odel, such as M KP1602
T he dual IP KVM m odel, such as MK P1604
- (for 1st IP) (for 2nd IP)
11. O pen Internet Explorer ( I.E. ), version 6.0 or above
12. Enter the IP KVM address into the address bar
- For Single IP -
- For Dual IP - ( for 1st IP ) ( for 2nd IP )
13. Enter usernam e ( default is super )
Password ( default is pass )
14. After successful login to IP KVM , the user w ill enter the m ain page of IP KVM