Charge your vehicle's battery pack. Connect the charger in the box to your battery pack(it will only plug in
one direction) and then plug the charger into a standard wall outlet. Charging takes approximately 2-3
hours. When the battery is fully charged, unplug the charger and connect the battery to your speed
Your vehicle charger will safely charge your battery pack and not over charge it. Be careful when using
after market chargers that you do not overcharge the battery pack and ruin it.
By the way, this charger is only for the vehicle, not for the radio control.
Locate the plastic antenna tube(found inside the manual bag).
Run the antenna wire up through the rear antenna mount hole in the
upper chassis plate and begin feeding it into the plastic antenna tube
until it comes out the other side. Pull the remaining wire through the
tube, and then press the tube into the antenna mount in the upper
chassis plate. Bend the antenna wire down around the tube and
install the black rubber antenna cap on the top of the tube. You
may then wrap the remaining wire arount the tube.
DO NOT cut the antenna wire off! This could shorten the range of
your radio system.
4. LEARNING THE TRANSMITTER - AM(Brushed version use)
Before turning on your vehicle, please familiarize yourself with the controls and adjustments of the radio
You may use the following diagram to confirm the location and function of each of these features.
A. ON/OFF Switch: Controls power to the transmitter.
B. Steering Wheel: Steering the vehicle left and right.
C. Throttle Trigger: Contols the speed and the Forward/Reverse
direction of the vehicle.
D. Throttle Trim: Ajusts the neutral position of the throttle so
your vehicle responds correctly to the trigger.
E. Steering Trim: Adjusts the neutral position of the throttle so
your vehicle travels straight.
F. Throttle Reverse Switch: Reverses the forward/reverse direction
of the steering wheel.
G. Steering Reverse Switch: Reverse the left/right direction of
steering wheel.
H. Antenna: Transmits radio signals to your receiver.
I. Recharging Jack: you can charge the battery with your charger
if you are using rechargeable batteries in your transmitter.
Caution: You can not recharge Non-rechargeable batteries.
J. Battery Power Indicators: Signal when it is time to replace your
transmitter batteries when the red indicator lit up.
L. Frequency Crystal: Controls the operating frequency(channel) of your transmitter.