Each Mini MIDI has been carefully tested and calibrated at factory. However, it is
possible for the user to perform a calibration of the Pitch output voltage. The calibration
procedure requires the use of a voltage meter with enough resolution (1 mVmess).
Calibration procedure
1. Connect the voltage meter to the PITCH output of the Mini MIDI. You can insert a
patch cable into the PITCH output and connect the positive probe of the voltage
meter to the tip of the patch cable connector and the negative probe of the voltage
meter to the sleeve of the patch cable connector.
2. Enter the calibration mode by setting all DIP Switches to the “On” position and
then power up the module.
3. Read the voltage meter, the voltage should be 0 V.
4. Adjustment of the output voltage can be achieved by sending the MIDI notes listed
in 3 to the Mini MIDI on one of the USB MIDI Ports.
5. Send note C2 to change the output voltage to 5 V, read the voltage meter and
adjust the output voltage if needed as described above.
6. Changes are immediately saved. After finishing the calibration remove power from
the module and set the DIP Switches to your preference (see 1) before powering
up the module again for normal use.
MIDI Note number
decimal (hex)
45 (0x2D)
A1 Decrement of voltage at selected pitch output voltage
47 (0x2F)
B1 Fine decrement of voltage at selected pitch output
48 (0x30)
C2 Select pitch output voltage: 0 or 5 Volt
50 (0x32)
D2 Fine increment of voltage at selected pitch output
52 (0x34)
E2 Increment of voltage at selected pitch output voltage
Table 3: MIDI notes used in calibration mode