• Check local regulations before plowing snow
• Mark or remove any potential hazards in plowing area as they can be easily covered
by snow and forgotten
• If blade is kept in warm storage, cooling outside prior to plowing prevents snow from
freezing to blade
• For gravel surfaces, we recommend packing the snow by making several passes with
blade up to help prevent movement of loose rock when pushing snow
• Start a pass by accelerating slowly to allow for tire traction and blade to accumulate
• Amount of snow to be cleared efficiently per pass is determined by snow depth and
water content, adjust the width of each pass and plow more often during continuous
• As you come to the end of a pass, reduce speed and apply brakes as needed
• When creating piles with a SNOWSPORT
HD Utility Plow, drive straight with the
blade set to center position
• To stack snow on hardened piles, start a new pile then push onto existing snow bank
• Ensure to push snow far enough for future snowfall
• Wet snow can compact and freeze which requires chipping to break loose before
attempting to move