pure battery electric vehicles are different from vehicles you might be
accustomed to owning. Special precautions should be followed when owning and
operating an
ACG vehicle
Please read this “
Owner’s Manual
” and pay particular attention to the Cautions and
Warnings in this Manual, as well as those placed on the vehicle in various locations.
In general, ACG NEV’s are designed to meet U.S. Federal Government safety
requirements for a special class of vehicle known as “Low Speed Vehicles” (
By this very name, and implicit in these safety requirements, these vehicles are
intended only for use at low speed, up to 25 mph, and on public roads (governed by
individual state laws) where the speed limits are correspondingly low.
Specific to
ACG vehicles
, the following safe habits should always be followed:
ACG vehicles
are open vehicles. For this reason, safety belts should always be
worn by all occupants to prevent being thrown from the vehicle during operation.
If your
is equipped with optional canvas or plastic doors, these were designed
and are intended only to keep wind and water out of the vehicle and should not be
relied upon to keep occupants in the vehicle or to protect them in case of collision.
ACG vehicles
are not designed to meet any collision or roll-over requirements.
Therefore, you should always drive your
ACG vehicle
in a safe manner while being
alert to potential dangerous situations around you. As with all motor vehicles, never
drink alcohol and attempt to drive an
ACG vehicle
• Operate an
ACG vehicle
only on public or private roads where the speed limits
are appropriate for low speed vehicles (individual state laws vary, so check with
your DMV) and the traffic is light.
• You should never operate an
ACG vehicle
so that you are an obstacle and
become an annoyance for faster moving traffic.
ACG vehicles
are designed to be recharged from a standard household
120 VAC-
15 Ampere
electrical outlet that is ground-fault protected. Charging from a circuit of
lesser capacity and/or using a cord from the outlet to the
ACG vehicle
that is not
sufficient in wire gauge (AWG) could create a fire hazard.
Please consult “
Charging Procedures Manual
” for the proper extension cord gauge
which depends on its length.
Copyright © 2011 American Custom Golf Cars, Inc.