Note: "Saturation" and "Tint" functions are not supported under computer
Ind. Color Management: Adjusts the red, green, blue,
cyan, yellow and magenta colors.
- Ind. Hue: Changes the hue of the color selected.
- Ind. Saturation: Adjusts a video image from black
and white to fully saturated color.
- Ind. Gain: Adjusts the contrast levels.
Skin Color: Adjusts the flesh tone in a limited hue.
Brilliant Color: Produces an expanded on-screen color
spectrum that delivers enhanced color saturation for
bright, true-to-life images. This feature is "On" by
White Peaking: Increases the brightness of whites that
are near 100%. (Video sources only)
Noise Reduction: Adjusts the level of noise reduction
that helps to eliminate unwanted noise in the picture.
Black/White Level Adjustment: Analyzes the current
input image and calculates an offset value which is
then added to the analog to digital converter black/
white level value. This ensures optimum black/white
level for each analog source.
ISF: This menu is password protected and only
accessible by authorized calibrators. The ISF (Imaging
Science Foundation) has developed carefully crafted,
industry-recognized standards for optimal video
performance and has implemented a training
program for technicians and installers to use these
standards to obtain optimal picture quality ISF
certified display devices. Accordingly, we recommend
that setup and calibration be performed by an ISF
certified installation technician. For more information,
go to www.imagingscience.com or contact the dealer
or retailer from whom you purchased the projector.
Press "ENTER" after choosing "Yes" to return the display
parameters on Color menu to the factory default settings.